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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Again with the driving...

So, yesterday Rachel and I argued about how "good" of a driver she was. Turns out she put a nail in her own coffin this morning. We all know how moths are attracted by light and women are attracted to shiny objects. Well, this morning Rachel was driving me to school (yes, she does a lot of the driving; I still have my manhood) and saw shiny lights on the side of a busy road: flashing police lights. This isn't bad unless she should have been looking at the non-flashing brake lights of the commercial truck in front of us. Four screeching tires and an unplanned lane change later convinced me that she is both moth and female. Luckily, she is good at avoiding collisions, and we went on our tense way. To top it all off, she's supposed to keep it easy because of high blood pressure; kind of killed that idea. Fortunately, Lauren was strapped in. Lauren tends to scream a lot when she falls out of car seats, which in turn speeds up Rachel's heartbeat. I'm not blaming you for looking, babe. And I know you don't like my backseat driving. But aren't you glad I had presence of mind to check for other rubberneckers? Oh, and nice recovery. May it never have to be executed so precisely again.

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