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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Leaving the NICU

Gabe is still not home with us. He had very rapid breathing (100, 30-40 is normal) and they were afraid of infection. So he has been in the NICU since Monday. He had to do 48 hours of anti-biotics. I don't know how mom's do it. What a sad place. It was comforting to know he is the biggest and healthiest baby in his unit though. All of his tests came back great and he gets to come home today. His last dose is around 3 so we get to have him here TONIGHT. I never had any idea how hard it would be to go home empty handed. Though it was nice to get a full nights sleep and not be pregnant but I would take having him home over sleep anytime. His breathing has regulated. They were thinking it just might have been withdrawls from my anti-depressant. He is so sweet and totally fits right in to our ever-growing, not so little family. I will take lots of pictures to post and have Jamie post them. By the way, the last post was written by Jamie, I wish I was that creative...


Anonymous said...


I am so sorry to hear you had to spend even one night away from your little guy. I am SO happy, though, to hear that he gets to go home. NICU is a long road ...being home w/out them IS the hardest thing for a Mom. Praying for you guys. Can't wait to see lots of pics!! Congratulations~ Ani

~Jenny said...

Rachel, I'm very glad to hear he's coming home to you guys tonight. I'm sorry to hear you had to go through that at all. That seriously must'be been torture. But I'm so glad he's okay now. I bet you can't wait to hold and cuddle him whenever you want to. He's such a gorgeous boy! I'm so happy for you. Thanks for your blog and keeping us all updated. I'm thinking of you guys! ~Jenny

Walkers said...

Congrats! That is so exciting, but I am sorry to hear of the complications. A little boy....you guys wont know what to do:)

cressfamily said...

Sorry to hear about Gabe but Glad to hear that he is doing well and can come home. I can't even imagine having to go home without my baby.