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Monday, June 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Lulu!

I'm jumping the gun a little here but if I don't get it done now, it will never get done. Our little Lauren will be 3 on Tuesday. Wow! 3? Already? Time has flown. It does not seem like it was that long ago that we upheaved our little family and moved to Moscow, Idaho. Lauren was only 8 weeks old. She has been able to be my baby for the longest. We call her Lulu and here is why.... When she was born Avery could not say Lauren, she said "Laulen", so from that came Lala, I told my mom that is what her new nickname was and it reminded her of Telletubbies. So everyone started calling her Lulu. She also answers to Doodle Bug, Bug, Unamae(Her daddy's nickname for her), Laureen(how Hadley says Lauren) Bug It, Buzz, Doodle, Doo, Lu, Laur, well, you get the idea. I thoughyt the poor little thing is confused but she will tell you her name is Lauren Sommer Allen. She has been such a joy to have in our home. I never in a million years thought I would have a blonde hair blue eyed baby but I got one. I get comments all the time about how beautiful she is and I have to agree. She LOVES to play with baby dolls, her sisters, drive her brother crazy and make him laugh, go shopping, throw fits, play dress up and just hang out watching tv with family. She was our 3rd oops! baby and I don't regret one of them. She is such a happy girl (most of the time!! c'mon she's 2 still, 3 is pretty much the same though!) Her favorite thing to eat right now is Soup! She loves animals of all kinds, and moths, they are her butterfly friends!!! Every one of the kids has been given an animal to represent them, with her we went with a mouse first (Avery came up with it, she always asked is she could kiss mouse while I was preganant with Lulu) but the first animal sound she made was a piggy, and it was a great one, so pigs have kinda become her thing. I never had a child draw on the walls until she came along and now she has taught her older sisters how to do it too! She loves singing primary songs, I love listening to her. When she was born she had no hair just a little blonde fuzz. I thought she would never get hair. Well, she turned 2 and a miracle happened, her hair started growing, I think it was the AZ heat, everyone's hair is growing like crazy. She HATES having it washed though, I'm sure some of you have heard her (Even from down here) getting it washed, she's a screamer. She loves to be in a swim suit getting wet. Unfortunatley it's too hot to do that here during the day but we have our evenings. The girl LOVED her "stuffie" (pascifier) as you will see in the pictures to follow. She had it until about 2 months after we moved here. The transition wasn't as bad as I though it would be. Just 4 months after that I told her it was time to go potty and we haven't looked back. She even gets up in the middle of the night to go. She is so grown up. I know it's only 3 years but still, it's old to me. She insists to wear dresses all the time, I say she was born in the wrong era. She is a very influential, everything she does, i.e. wear dresses, color on walls.. her sisters have to do the same. Maybe she will be a great leader someday.I am so happy to have this little munchkin in my life. She says the funnies things, helps me out with Gabe so much and ALWAYS has me on my toes. I can't wait for school to start, her sisters will be in school and while Gabe is napping we can have alone time together. I'm looking forward to it. Enjoy the pictures!
Lulu at 8 weeks!

I think she either had a good diaper or just spit up in this one. Man Gabe looks just like her!

Her 3 month picture. She freaked until she had her stuffie in her mouth.
This is how she would take baths with mommy, babies are very slippery when wet. She could spend hours in here.
Her 6 months. Notice the chapped mouth...I wonder what that's from ?!?!?
9 months
1 year. I lover her teeth in this.
14 months, Oregon coast. This is the only happy picture we got of her all day, she hated it all.

Almost 16 months. I love that face.

Less than one month shy of 3. Dang she is cute.



cressfamily said...

Wow time sure does fly. You a just a few cute kids there. Jope you enjoy your heat while we freeze again.

Jill W said...

Such a sweet post! What a little cutie!