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Friday, April 24, 2009

This is our BIDNESS, people!

So . . . The Hammons came and left. Easter came and left. We had fun. We did some stuff. Then Papa came. He's leaving tomorrow. . . . It's reality show pic time!

Tractors are awesome. We're so awesome.

Honestly. I'd rather be . . . What's going on here?

Overpriced greasy food at the Pima County Fair? Here's my wallet!

Tell me that I'm not adorable. Go ahead. I've got leg rolls to change your mind.

1 comment:

Annette said...

He's adorable! I love the last pic. We are still headed to IF the first part of August, and we are super excited! Yah, no more 8+ hour car rides! Are you all going to be moving closer, when the king is done with school?