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Thursday, May 13, 2010

I wish I had neat things happen in our lives to post, but nothing new has really happened. Jamie just finished his SECOND TO LAST year of school! ONLY 1MORE YEAR TO GO!!!!! We are leaving here in a week to get out of the heat and head up to Idaho to see family and ALL the new babies! (Everyone seems to be having them these days) The kids are all great, still cute, still crazy! The girls finish school next week. Next year all 3 of the girls will be in school. (If Lauren gets into preschool) It will be so nice to have just Gabe at home. Jamie is still really busy with school and labs. I do nothing, no really I don't do anything. Just your typical mom stuff! That's about it....wait, I did make a few blankets a some burp rags for some of "all the new babies"! Hopefully something neat will happen soon. Stuff has happened (Nothing big, some things are explained with the following pictures) but I have a feeling the only people who read this are already friends on Facebook so they know what's happening! Here are a few recent pictures of the cute kiddos. (I got a cute new camera for Mother's Day, so I did go a little crazy with the picture taking but I'll spare ya'll and only post 7 instead of the 37 I'd like to post!) (Man, I use parenthesis a lot!)

I came home the other day to Gabe sleeping on my footstool. Never a dull moment with this kid, even in his sleep!

We went to the Gila Valley Temple open house a few weeks ago. It was such a neat experience to go though with all 6 of us!

Avery is a little like her momma and Auntie Sara. We used to do the same thing when we were younger!

She's gonna kill me someday! I love this girl!

Look at our future missionary! How cute is this?

He fell and cut his chin open so we waited in the ER for 6 hours so they could glue it. I kept thinking it was going to be totally healed before we got out of there. He is pretty upset here, this is in the 5th hour, he was mad, tired, and hungry.

I walked in the girls room the other night to find this. Proof that they DO SOMETIMES get along!