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Thursday, January 21, 2010

well, well, well

Look at photos at the end of this post!
Oh my goodness, it has been forever. I am so sorry to ALL my readers. HA! So here is our life
the last month and a half. Let's see, where did we leave off.... oh yes mom and dad coming for Turkey day. So they went home and we kept on with life then prepared for our long trek to Idaho
We left Tucson on the 21st (I think). When we arrived in Idaho Falls we quickly got ready for Christmas Eve, which is celebrated bigger than Christmas Day in the Sommer Family. Well, Christmas Eve day we got a call saying Gramma S. was in the hospital, we all kinda worried but not long after that we got another call saying she was home and they had no idea what was wrong. We ended up having over 50 people at my parents house this year (Very different from last year where there were Mom, Dad, Jamie, Me, the girls, My sister, her husband and son, my brother and G&G S. what's that, 13?) So Gramma wasn't feeling well but she came and we were so happy she was there. We had a GIANT family picture done with only 12 family members missing, first time in like 20 years. That night G&G S went home and Gramma took a turn for the worse. We were told she
wouldn't make it much longer. What a blessing
#1 To be home at
that time, #2 To be able to sit across from the table from her all night, #3 She was able to be with us all one last time, #4 To be surrounded by all her loved ones. We had a great Christmas morning opening presents and going to Jamie's parent's house for a while.
The following Saturday my mom came home from Gramma's and said I needed to go say
my good-byes. WOW That was hard. I have never
lost anyone close to me. I don't know how people
do it. She was in and out due to medication but I got to say my good-bye and tell her I love her. (Side story, Gramma, on her death bed still had a little wit. I walked in the room and she asked my mom who that was, she told her it was me, I went and sat by her and told her I loved her and she asked my mom again who that was, she told her it was me, then she said I love you back. She didn't want to share her love with just anyone. ) She passed away the following Wednesday morning Dec. 30, 2009. What a sad/happy day that was. It was past her time to go, she was more than ready, but it is still hard to have her gone. Her funeral was that Saturday, Jan. 2, 2010. It was so nice to see all those who came out to support our family. What an amazing lady that cute little Maxine Scheets Sommer was. I miss her like crazy. My girls (Avery especially) are having a hard
time, I'm sure it will really hit them when we go home this summer and GG will not be there. We all
miss you Gramma! I just hope Grampa will be abloe to go soon so they can be together again. He was so sweet and cute with her that last week and at the viewing and funeral.
So the day after the funeral we headed back for Tucson. We jumped right back into the swing of things.
Our little man turned 1 on Sunday Jan. 17th. Where did the time go? In fact 1 year ago today we brought him home from the NICU. I miss my tiny, wait he was never really tiny but he was much tinier then, baby. We had a small get together with a few friends at our house that evening. He wanted nothing to do with his cake. (So different from his sisters) I got him a few toys but when he opened his $2 tractor, he wanted nothing else to do with the rest of his presents, I should have stopped with that. At least his sisters are enjoying his toys for him!
Here is what Gabe is doing these days.... NOTHING! No really by this time the girls were doing
so much more, I know you aren't supposed to compare but honestly, who doesn't? I understand boys are slower than girls, I just have to keep reminding myself of this.
He stands on his own when he feels like it, he'll take a few steps until he realizes he is doing it then he'll sit down, he doesn't say any words, he loves beating up his sisters, especially Lauren, they have a funny relationship, he has 8 teeth, he is wearing 24 month-2T clothes. He had his 1 year checkup today and he weighs 27.15 pounds. 95th% The doctor said he looks like a 2 year old. He's huge. I wouldn't have it any other way. More to love on. He has been such a joy in our lives. Having a boy is pretty fun, I'm so thankful everyday he is in our family, he's my best little buddy!
As for the rest of us, Jamie is great, working hard in school, stressing about life, money and all the things a Grad Student/Husband/Father of 4 stresses about. I am still the same ol' lame ol',
Nothing new. Hadley and Avery are doing amazing in school. Hadley did get in a food fight at
school last week but so did a few others in her class, (the 5 her teacher never would have
expected) Avery has a boyfriend, already, he is so dang cute, they break up occasionally, but they quickly get back together! Lauren is 3. That's all I'm going to say about that, if you have ever been
around a 3 year old, you know what I'm talking about!
So, this is a really long post but that's what happens when you only post ever month or two. We
hope everyone had a great holiday season. And who know maybe I'll post before we go to San
Felipe, Mexico for Spring Break, then again.... don't hold your breath!

One of Gabe's 1 year pictures. He looks a lot like my little brother.

Mom and Dad with all 5 of their Grandbabies! Next year there will be 1 more, my little sister is having a GIRL in June. We are so excited, she is giver her the middle name of Maxine after our sweet Gramma!