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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Here goes nothin'

Here are some pictures of Easter. All the kids in their cute Easter outfits and Gabe in his first Easter outfit....

Check out that huge 3 month old. I also pierced Avery's ears for her 5th birthday. Yes! I did it myself I happen to own a piercing gun. There were a lot of promises made to get her to calm down after she FINALLY decided she wanted them done.

I love having a baby who love his Jumperoo. He just goes crazy in it. We bought it when Lulu was a baby and she pretty much just sat in it but Gabe jumps like a mad man.

Check out these legs. Don't you just want to chew on them?? They are mighty tasty.

I finally broke down and got the girls a cheap pool. They have had so much fun in it. Gabe loves being outside so here he is watching his sisters splashing him.

So we went to Gabe's cardiologist on Monday and they did another echo and everything seems to be healing up on it's own. He is growing so fast. He now weighs over 19 pounds. Yes, I just said 19 pounds. In case you are wondering he will be 4 months on the 17th. His 6-9 months clothes are slowly finding their way to the storage box. I love the look on people's face when I tell them how old he is. He also FINALLY hit a milestone today......He successfully rolled back to front. I know he's a little late but when you have that much to roll over...
He has become very aware of his hands and loves them in his mouth at all times. His favorite thing is to try to eat his hand while nursing. (Mom is not so much a fan of this) I can't tell you how much fun and happiness he has brought to our lives. We love him and we love how he lights up whenever he sees any of us. I will tell you having a boy is so strange.
Wow, where do I start?? She has discovered it's fun to call people "Stupid", stick her tounge out at mom when she is in trouble, and snuggling or just smiling at you will melt away any anger you might have. There is something about those blue eyes that just gets to me. She has grown up so much. Her vocabulary is amazing and frightening. She will be 3 in a month and it's killing me. I'm thinking about entering her in to a cute kids contest!! MAYBE! I have been told she looks like a little doll. She is not handling the heat very well though. 2 minutes outside and she is beat red and wants to just die. Poor kiddo!
She is so excited to start Kindergarden this fall (Summer, school starts Aug 6th here). For some reason, the thought of sending her off is much harder than sending Hadley off. I have no idea why. She is already reading a little and just blows me away how fast she catches on. She loves playing games, any game any time. If it were up to her she would play games all day. She loves Go Fish, Old Lady (Old Maid) Uno, Princess Uno, Fundominos, puzzles, the list goes on and on. I can't get over how much she is like me, right down to the way her eyes hide when she smiles. She LOVES helping me with the laundry, sorting is her favorite part, she also is such a great help with Gabe. I love the little stink and don't know what I would do without her help.
So, in 2 weeks Hadley will have finished her first year of school. She is on a "D BOOK" They go in levels A, B, C, D... She skipped C all together. She is adding and subtracting EVERYTHING. I think she finally figured out that is she keeps her mouth shut and just obey the teacher and follows the rules life is much easier. She is such a big help to me and her sisters and brother. I'm so excited to have her home for the summer, I love having her around. I am not okay with her starting 1st grade this "fall" but she already is older than everyone in her class as it is. I just want them all to stay preschool age forever. She is growing so quickly I feel like I'm missing out on it all. I love all she does to keep everyone happy and she has such a special relationship with her Papa and I hope it never changes.
In a week he will be finished with his 1st year in the PhD. program. He has enjoyed it (I think more than he would like to admit) I'm so proud of all his hard work and how determined he is to get through this. This year seemed to fly by so here's hoping the next 2 fly just as fast. I love you Baby, thanks for all you do and put up with.
I stay at home and feed Gabe, take Hadley to school come home, feed Gabe, then I get the kids breakfast, then I feed Gabe, then I might change the laundry over, get the girls lunch, then feed Gabe, pick Hadley up from school and come home to feed Gabe. I think I just realized why he is 19+ pounds. I have made a couple of friends here so life is getting better, now if these triple digits would subside.
Sorry this post is so long that wasn't my intention but that's just what happened. Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL MOTHER'S DAY! I get to teach Relief Society so mine won't be as wonderful as it could be. I think it should be combined so the men could teach on Mother's Day and vice versa for Father's Day. I'll look into that!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

So, my friend had this on her blog and I thought I would share. I laughed forever. Some of the ones I read to Jamie even made him laugh and if you know Jam ie you know it HAD to be funny. Check it out...

I want to p[oat something about what we've been up to but I gotta run so I'll get to it soon!!