So it's been a while but I just wanted to do a post (Sorry no pictures this time) to tell everyone we have a name for our son. After much contemplating and bickering and brainstorming we came up with a name.
This is how we got to this point; since the day we found out we were having a boy I would come up with a name and Jamie would shoot it down, really every name he shot down. He would come up with some names and most of them I shot down. He was really liking Platt, yes Platt, like Plateau, Gross! I hated it. Everyone we told hated, I was not having it. Jamie had made a list that I came across the other day, yes Platt was on it, I read over the names. Most of them I would have beaten him up myself if we named him some of those names. He had Cace on there. I thought of Case Lot Sales and Food Storage, I suggested Jace, he pointed out we already have like 10 Jasons in our lives. I changed it to Gage, he reminded me of a guy I knew (Who also served with Jamie in N.C.) that is world biggest SCUM BUCKET. So the rest of the conversation went as follows;
I said, "Gabe?"
"Gabriel is a good strong Bible name" said Jamie.
I was not aware we were going for Bible names, is Platt a Bible name? I don't think it is.
"We could call him 'Gabe.'"
"I like Gabe"
"Does this mean our son Finally has a name?"
"I guess it does"
"Gabriel Jamison Allen"
"No, Gabriel J. Allen, like my middle name is D. after my dad."
"Jamie, we have a name for our baby!?!?"
"Yes, we do!"
That is how it went. Gabriel(Gabe)J. Allen I can't even describe how good it feels to actually have a name for him so I can bond with my son instead wondering what to do with this thing living inside of me beating my up ALL the time (really I don't think he ever stops)
So, we have a name and now I can move onto more important thing like setting up his room, making his blanket and pillow, organizing, assembling, and washing all the baby gear, organizing all his tons of clothes he already has...and preparing the girls for a brother, what exactally do you do with boys?? Little nervous here. Anyway we are so relieved to have a name, so far everyone loves it but Hadley, she really wanted Isaac but she told me Sunday she can save Isaac for when she has a boy, are we really talking about this already? She also doesn't like Gabe because it reminds her of "GAY". I hope we can get over that fast, with 3 big sisters I worry a little.
Drop us a line and let us know what you think, no that anything you say will change our minds, I'm just curious!!
This is a story of a happy little family of 6 stuck in Tucson, Arizona until 2011 while Daddy finishes his PhD. Come join us by reading the story of our lives "living" in the heat, going to school, traveling to Idaho as often as possible, loving and bragging about our 4 kiddos, and our many adventures.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Happy End of October!!
Here are our Halloween festivities from last week... We had a LAME party at the church, we didn't stay even an hour. Then on the big day, Hadley wore her costume to school and had a party, then we got the other 2 girls ready and went to the Foothills Mall, ate dinner and went around to the stores for candy. I cannot even begin to tell you how bad our faces hurt from smiling and laughing at Lulu and all the people smiling and laughing at her. She was the highlight of the night. Everytime she got a treat she would turn to us and say, "I got a candy for my bag". Everyone got a kick out of her. She was a Pumpkin Fairy ("And I can fly"-Lulu) If anyone has ever seen a Pumpkin Fairy you will know she is the cutest one there ever was. Hadley was a witch courtsey of Grama Allen and Aunt Becki -Thanks guys for the costume, she loved it. Avery was a "Royal Princess" her hair was so fun to do all up in curls. Anyway after the mall we were going to find one of the nicer neighborhoods to take them door to door trick or treating until Jamie lifted all 3 bags together and realized 2 pounds of candy per child was enough. We came home and made them a bed in the playroom and let them eat candy and watch movies and stay up as late as they wanted. The were all asleep before midnight!! We really had a nice easy going day and night. It sure was nice to be able to take them out without snow clothes this year but we still really missed Idaho, and going to GG & Grapa Great's, Aunt's & Uncle's, Grama & Papa's, Grama & Grapa's, and all of our friends. Hope everyone had a great holiday as we did. Enjoy the pictures...

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